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Wowza Reseller

  • Reseller Wowza 3 Customers

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    • 3 RTMP accounts

      50 connections Total

      3TB Monthly Bandwidth

      20 Giga space if Ondemand Total for the 5 customers

      Bitrate 720kbps
  • Reseller Wowza 5 Customers

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    • 5 RTMP accounts

      150 connections Total

      6TB Monthly Bandwidth

      20 Giga space if Ondemand Total for the 5 customers

      Bitrate 1024kbps
  • Reseller Wowza 10 Customers

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    • 10 RTMP accounts

      300 connections Total

      10TB Monthly Bandwidth

      80 Giga space if Ondemand Total for the 10 customer

      Bitrate 1720kbps