Talking about links.

There are 3 kinds of links, internal links, outbound and inbound links. The internal links are the links within the same website, for example the navigation bar is internal links, HOME, ABOUT US etc, internal links are extremely important, first it guides the visitors...

Should I Create a Website? Do I Need One?

People always want to follow the latest thing, be it in fashion, sports, that kind of thing. Websites have become a necessity to almost everyone. Companies, businesses, individuals, even young adults have created personal websites with their respective purposes, be it...

Rumblings of an Internet Addict!

Another week which is gone, although every moment which passes is one moment more on our life we tend to waste them quite a bit. And life is just a collection of moments. Anyway this week was a busy week, meeting in San Francisco with John Michaels about expanding our...

Blog Content

Today, we’re going to talk about the type of content that is appropriate for your blog in order to make it cost-effective. First off, I want you to realize that there is no set span that your blog should have, which means you can write about whatever you’re...

Tips for choosing a domain name.

If you ever decide to start a website then you certainly will be in need a domain. Lets be clear from the very beginning, this will be your most important decision, it is not choosing the web host, because web hosts if you are not happy with them you can change, even...